10 Steps to Help Keep Your Home Safe From Crime This Summer

27 Oct. 2014

10 steps to help keep your home safe from crime this Summer.

Protecting your home from pests is something we do best! But to help you protect your home from criminal intruders we have 10 simple steps that every household in Perth can do.

Don't leave expensive items where they can be seen through windows
Make sure doors and windows have adequate locks
Keep trees and bushes around your house trimmed to avoid them being used as hiding places
Your house should look lived in, keeping letterboxes clear and rubbish bins stored after collection
Engrave or mark all your property items
Install adequate lighting around your home
Consider installing an Australian Standard 2201 approved burglar alarm
Know your neighbours
Display your house number clearly so emergency services can find you if needed
Report all suspicious activity at the time to Crimestoppers 1800 333 000
Use the buttons below to share this on your social media page to keep a record of our 10 steps and share with your friends and family to help them protect their home too this summer.

For help with the usual suspects...Termites, fleas, ants, rats, mice and other pests click here to visit our contact us page.


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