When it comes to Pest Control most people just shop around looking for the cheapest option, which is fine when it comes to the majority of your general house hold pests such as spiders, ants, cockroaches etc. Mainly because the cost of these treatments aren’t a massive outlay & these pests don’t tend to pose huge threat to your home.
When it comes to Termites however it’s a very different story. Termites unlike many pests you find around the home have the ability to cause significant damage and are said to cause more damage than fires, floods and storms combined.
Their way of life means that they can silently move into your home and go undetected for long periods of time. While a silent, out of sight guest may not seem too bad, as they saying goes, it’s the quiet ones you need to watch.
It doesn’t take long for termites to start destroying your home. From structural timbers, cupboards, doors, door frames, carpet, furniture, wood flooring – they’ll eat it! Before you know it you could have a very costly damage bill on your hands or even worse a home that is now deemed unsafe and therefore unlivable!
It’s important to point out that damage caused by termites is NOT covered by home insurance!
So, when it comes to termites you definitely want to do your homework before choosing a pest control company.
• Pest Licenses
Make sure that the person carrying out the job holds an in date Western Australia Pest Management Technician License.
• Experience and Training
Don’t be afraid to ask about their experience and training.
For example all Termico Pest Management technicians go through extensive training. All our technicians are required to do practical on the job training alongside in house classroom tuition.
The Course work to obtain a Cert III in Pest Management is delivered in our own dedicated training room, accredited by TAFE & over seen by ApprentiCentre to ensure a nationally recognised qualification.
Fully supervised training is provided initially, while learners progress to a Provisional license issued by the Pesticide Safety Division of the Heath Dept. Ongoing training over about 10 months advances Provisional License holders to the Cert III qualification & a Full Pest Management Technicians License.
All our technicians are subject to quality control checks on regular basis which includes our training manager and / or supervisors joining them on selected jobs to provide ongoing training and feedback.
• Company Reputation
Ask around about the company.
• Do you know anyone that has had similar work done before?
• How long have they been in business for?
• What are the reviews like online?
• Do they work with any companies you have had experience with before?
Asking questions will give you a good feel for a company. Termico Pest Management has been in operation since 1996. They have been working with the majority of the major building companies in Perth since the day they started operation and have been the RAC’s only Pest Control Partner for over 18 years. They are Perth’s Leader in both Termite Treatments and Inspections.
• Warranties
This is key! Termite Systems can be expensive and you’re dealing with nature so you want to ensure you remain protected.
Look very closely at the terms of any written guarantee or warranty and check exactly what the small print actually covers - eg. does it cover replacement of any or all damaged timber or just structural timber? What about door frames, cupboards, vanities, furniture and furnishings? There is a growing tendency for 'guarantees' to cover no replacement at all, they just agree to a return visit to deal with any termite infestation or re-infestation.
Also check that 'replacement' in any guarantee includes the cost of labour to remove and replace the timber - frequently it does not!
Termico Pest Management offer Perth’s most comprehensive warranty when it comes to Termite Treatments, which provides home owners with peace of mind in the event anything does happen they are covered. Another reason why they have and continue to the lead the way for termite treatments across Perth.
• The quoting process
Has someone been out to your home to provide a quote and done a full look around? If they plan on doing the job properly they will need will need access to your home and the surroundings of your home to provide a quote. This is because they will need to measure up, assess what landscaping you have around the home, access required to any subfloors etc.
They will also want to discuss treatment options with you and discuss things like; if you have paving whether this is to be lifted, or drilled. Where areas need to be drilled you will want to make sure they plan to fill these holes and how they will do this.
It’s important to take this time to have this meeting as it gives you an opportunity to ask any questions you have and ensure the person / people undertaking the work have all the information they require for the day so that things run as smoothly as possible.
If you’re thinking about a termite Treatment for your home and have any questions please feel free to give our friendly team a call on 08 9443 9880
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Address: 25 Resource Way,
Malaga, Perth WA. 6090
Postal: PO Box 1756,
Malaga, Perth WA. 6944
Fax: (08) 9443 9881
Email: admin@termico.com.au