Have you serviced your car recently? What about your air conditioner and/or swimming pool? Surely, they're due for some maintenance checks. You may be overdue for that dentist check you have been meaning to book.
It's always a good idea to keep up with things like this. When it comes to cars, air conditioning units, pools and even our teeth, the longer things are left, the bigger the risk of something going wrong and costing us more to fix. But what about your house?
For many of us, purchasing a house will be the largest investment we will ever make. When buying a home, we take the time to find the perfect place (well within our price range). Before purchasing, we hire people to undertake pre-purchase checks to ensure our new potential home is structurally sound and free from nasty pests that could cause significant damage. Once given the green light, we happily finalise the purchase and move in. It's home sweet home!
That's until it's not………
Many homeowners don't keep up with annual termite inspections; for some, this has been one of the most costly mistakes they will ever make.
Timber pests like termites can move in at any point and, to the untrained eye, can easily go undetected for long periods. These pests may be tiny but don't be fooled. Out of all the pests you are likely to encounter, termites have the greatest capacity to destroy your home.
The average homeowner will spend 25-30 years paying off their mortgage. So why do we happily get our cars serviced regularly without question, but when it comes to our most valuable asset, regular Timber Pest Inspections often go missed?
Well, for starters, many people don't ever give termites a second thought. Their way of life means they live out of sight and, therefore, out of mind. It's only when a foot goes through that piece of wood flooring they have been munching on, a hole appears in a kitchen cupboard, or there is an issue with the roof timbers that termites spring to mind. However, by this point, they have often been running undetected in your home for a long time and raking up the damage bill.
The other reason homeowners often don't consider termites is that they have home and contents insurance. You have insurance, so there's no need to worry—if anything happens, you can just claim, can't you? Unfortunately, where termites are concerned, this isn't the case! What shocks many who have experienced a home invasion from this tiny but destructive pest is that damage caused by termites is not covered under home and contents insurance!
At Termico Pest Management, we have been helping protect homes across Perth against termite attacks for almost 30 years. Over the years, we have seen many cases of homes destroyed by termites, and it's devasting to see their impact. The financial distress they can cause homeowners is awful, and, in some cases, we have seen families lose their homes due to termites, leaving them structurally unsafe.
Our team is committed to protecting homes across Perth. That's why we are Perth's leader in termite barriers and work hard to educate homeowners on the risk of termites. Ensuring your home has an effective termite barrier system and regular inspections is crucial in keeping your home safe from termites.
So next time you book that car service, think, 'When did I last get a Timber Pest Inspection done?' Please don't wait until it's too late!
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Address: 25 Resource Way,
Malaga, Perth WA. 6090
Postal: PO Box 1756,
Malaga, Perth WA. 6944
Fax: (08) 9443 9881
Email: admin@termico.com.au