How to prevent summer pests!

1 Nov. 2023

Summer's on it's way and so are the pests! 

While pests are around all year they become more noticeable during the warmer months. In Spring,  the number of most pests increase as eggs hatch and for social creatures such as termites and bees, members will split off from the original colony to create colonies of their own. 

On warm sunny days you will often see flying termites around. Flying termites are called alates. They’re actually the same species of termite that live in the dark damp underground, however the reproductive members of the colony wait for warm humid spring days so they can emerge and start seeking out a mate. These emerging alates are the potential Kings and Queens of new colonies.

Bees also start new colonies by splitting form their original hive and flying away in swarms to find a suitable new location. 

We see such a variety of Pests around WA including spiders, cockroaches, ants, bees, termites, flies… the list goes on. They all have unique characteristics but in warmer weather they all have similar goals of finding food and water and a safe place to keep cool and lay their eggs or grow their colony. 

There are somethings you can do to help prevent the number of pests hanging around your home this summer! 

Tips on how to prevent pests around your home:

-    Keep food covered and kitchen and dining surfaces clear and tidy 
Pests such as cockroaches, ants and flies are seeking food sources. Rubbish, crumbs and food that hasn’t be properly stored gives them the perfect feeding ground. 

These pests are also a great food source for spiders, so if you have plenty of insects around,   you are likely to see an increase in spider numbers too.

-    Ensure there is no standing water sources around your home
Keep an eye out for places around your home were water maybe gathering this could be from watering your garden, the rain or being caused by in plumbing and / or garden reticulation leaks. All pests require water to survive and standing water sources are an attraction for pests.

-    Fix any cracks / gaps in your home, garage and sheds
Most pests like to seek out cool dark locations to set up home. Therefore doing regular checks around your home and installing door sweeps or filling in other gaps which could give them entry points will help keep your home clear of pests. 

-    Make sure furniture coverings and BBQ covers are secure and well fitted
BBQ and furniture covers make a great place for lots of pests to hide and in spring when bees are swarming, they might find a spot where they will set up their hive. Making sure you limit gaps where possible will reduce the risk of unwanted guests

-    Keeping stored items away from the home i.e. wood stores etc
Stored goods create the perfect way for pests to get around undetected and they attract lots of pests. One pest in particular that uses stored items to their advantage is termites. With the exception of alates, termites cannot survive for long in sunlight. Items stored around the property give them the perfect cover. While termites maybe small they are said to cause more damage than fire, storms and floods combined – so they’re not a pest you want to have around your home! 

-    Clear up pet food bowls
Pet feeding areas create a great food source for many pests. Therefore ensuring you clean up after your pets after each meal time will help in preventing pests around your home.

-    Pest sprays and treatments 
Sprays and treatments will help reduce the number of pests in and around your home. There are lots of options you can buy off the shelf however many West Aussies prefer to call in a Pest Control Technician. Often calling in a professional is more cost effective as they are trained in identifying the different species of pests, their nesting habits and the treatments required to help reduce their numbers around your home.  Termites in particular are a pest you would want a professional to treat as they pose such as big risk to your home.

If you need help to rid your home from pests this summer then give the team at Termico Pest Management a call. RAC members save 15% on selected services

"We'll take your call, book you in and turn up on time" 9443 9451


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