Is it time for a Termite Inspection?

1 Nov. 2022

When was your home last inspected for termites?

The weather in Perth is warming up and pests are on the move!

Every year as the weather heats up you will notice more and more pests in and around your home. 

One pest you may not pay much attention to and should, is flying termites. Flying termites also known as alates are actually the same species of termite that live in the dark damp underground. Alates unlike the rest of their colony are able to withstand sunlight providing the air is humid and still, and will take flight in the warmer months. They are the potential future kings and queens trying to start a new colony. 

The alates are so important to the original colony, that soldier termites also come out of the ground, to protect the alates while they launch. 


So why should you pay more attention to this pest in particular?

Alates take flight in the thousands and all have the same goal – finding a new location where they might become kings and queens of their own colony. Places around your home could create that perfect location for them. 

Once termites enter your home they get straight to work. They work hard seeking out food sources and while they maybe small they definitely have the numbers on their side. Their way of life also enables them to move around undetected for long periods of time! As the saying goes out of sight out of mind – well that’s until you notice holes appearing in your kitchen cupboards, or your foot goes through a floor board. By the time you notice they have moved in they could have caused thousands and thousands of dollars’ worth of damage. 

Termite Inspections

It is for this very reason that annual Termite Inspections are so important!

Termites are said to cause more damage than fire, floods and storms combined. Damage caused by termites is NOT covered under Home Insurance.

Living in Perth the risk of termites in your home is a real possibility and they will be the most expensive house guest you have ever had.

Termico Pest Management has been treating and inspecting homes across Perth for termites since 1996. Over the years we have seen the financial strain termites can have on families and in some cases have left people homeless as termites have caused such serve damage that their properties are deemed unliveable.

Don’t risk it!

Make sure you get your home inspected at least once a year by a professional pest control technician. If you can it’s also a good idea to ensure your home is up to date with its Termite Treatment. 

Homes in Perth are required to be treated for termites during construction but these treatments do have a lifespan and require maintenance. If you’re unsure when your home was last treated check your meter box as most companies will put a sticker in your meter box detailing when the treatment was completed and the lifespan of the chemical used. 

For more information on Termite Inspections and / or Termite Treatments please feel free to give the team at Termico Pest Management a call on 08 9443 9451.


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