Termico have now moved into new premises in Malaga.
Our new address is 25 Resource Way, Malaga WA.
Call us today!
"We'll take your call, book you in and turn up on time" 9443 9451
Termites are said to cause more damage than fire, floods & storms…
Termite inspections are an essential part of your home maintenance!
Get hints and tips on keeping your home free from cockroaches.
WA has seen a rise in the number of snake bites so make sure you're…
Get out and explore nature this September and see what insects, plants…
When the the weather is damp and with no known predators in Australia…
Our pest control technicians are experienced in the identification and…
Spider Control Perth. Our pest control technicians are trained and…
Address: 25 Resource Way,
Malaga, Perth WA. 6090
Postal: PO Box 1756,
Malaga, Perth WA. 6944
Fax: (08) 9443 9881
Email: admin@termico.com.au