Spring is here and bees across Australia have started to swarm!
This swarm decided to hit the streets of Sydney's CBD, and their queen took a liking to a motorbike.
While she may have been happy to set up home here for a couple days while the worker bees searched for a more permanent home, the bikes owner may not of appreciated a long walk home! Fortunately for the bikes owner, and the bees, a local Apiarist came to rescue and relocated the bees to a safe location.
Here at Termico we work alongside local Apiarists to relocate and home bees in Perth suburbs. So if you encounter swarming bees in close proximity to your home, school or community, give us a call on
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Address: 25 Resource Way,
Malaga, Perth WA. 6090
Postal: PO Box 1756,
Malaga, Perth WA. 6944
Fax: (08) 9443 9881
Email: admin@termico.com.au