Termico Pest Management Warranty

4 Nov. 2014

Perth’s Most Comprehensive Warranty

Did you know your home and contents insurance does not cover you for termite damage?

It comes as a shock to most home owners who may have found termite damage in their home and have contacted their home insurer to find out they are not covered.

Termico solves this problem for you!

Our Termite Warranty acts as your insurance policy against future termite damage. “Termico Protect” your home against termite invasion and you receive peace of mind.

Our Termico Termite Warranty stands out against competitors’ warranties and promises. When other pest control companies won’t back their own treatments, Termico offer Perth’s most comprehensive termite treatment warranty. Once we install our termite barrier, we guarantee to repair or replace ANY items in the main residence that are damaged by termites during the warranty period!

When you “Termico Protect” your home you are ensuring the ultimate shield is guarding your home from termite invasion.

Termico Protection adds value to your home. If you sell your home, our well known and trusted Termico Termite Warranty is fully transferable to the new home owner which adds to the value and security of your home and buyers love it.         

Termico customers trust us to protect their home and our premium Termico Termite Warranty insures our continued commitment to you.

“We’ll take your call, book you in and turn up on time.”    9443 9451 


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