169 people were treated by paramedics for snake bites during July 2018 to June 2019.
Last year WA paramedics were busiest during summer, with January recording the largest number of snake bite patients (25). October was the next highest month (21) as temperatures increased and snakes became more active.
The rise in snake bite cases has prompted St John WA to issue a warning ahead of the peak snake season.
“Five of the world’s 10 most venomous snakes live in Australia and unfortunately there are still many myths surrounding snake bite treatment. Our message is simple, but could be lifesaving – know first aid, even if it’s at a fairly basic level,” St John WA first aid general manager Aaron Harding.
“Obviously the first and most important thing if you’re bitten by a snake is to call triple zero (000), even if you’re unsure of the snake type. People should lie flat, remain as calm and still as possible, and then bandage the bite starting from the fingers or toes and wrapping upwards.”
St John WA are also urging people to download the St John First Responder application to their smartphones. The applications allows you to dial triple (000) and provides the operator with an exact GPS location.
This application could have saved the life of Nathan Scattini who was bitten by a snake while walking in bushland in Kelmscott earlier this year. Mr Scattini phoned triple zero (000) but was unable to provide his location, making it impossible for paramedics and police to find him.
A number of recue organisations across the country are issuing warnings on snake bites and what you should do if bitten.
The below article was written by Rob Timmings. Rob runs a medical/nursing education business teaching nurses, doctors and paramedics. It’s well worth the read and we would highly recommend you sharing this information with friends and family!
That bite of summer has well and truly come early this year and with that heat, comes snakes.
If you find a snake in your home or on your property DO NOT attempt to kill it or remove it yourself. Contact our team or another trained professional in your area.
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