Winter Home Maintenance

19 May 2015

Roof gutters full? Paint peeling? Roof leaking?

These are all visual signs that your home needs repair or attention.

But what about the things you can’t see?

What about termites?

Termites are a problem you often can't see. Termites can be busily working away in the dark, damp areas of your home without you knowing.

Perth’s recent winter rains may have filled up your blocked gutters and caused an overflow into your roof creating perfect dark damp environments for termites. Water pooling around the house, poor drainage and overgrown garden too close to the house also creates the perfect environment for termites.

One of the most important regular home maintenance things you can do to keep your home in tip top shape is book a termite pest inspection and a termite treatment. The CSIRO recommends annual termite inspections.

This isn’t a job to tackle by yourself either. Termico Pest Management has over 70 trained and qualified technicians who are experienced and equipped to carry this out for you.

We are a trusted West Australian owned company with over 18 years in business and offer Perth’s most comprehensive warranty on Termite Treatments. Termico Pest Management is licensed by the Health Department and fully insured. 

Consistent client testimonials are proof that our services are reliable and our staff are friendly. You can check out our website for the latest client testimonials.

 “We’ll take your call, book you in and turn up on time”  9443 9451


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