Would you be interested in hosting some bee hives?

31 Oct. 2019

Give a hive a home!

Our technician John, who is a registered beekeeper and a member of the WA Apiarist’s Society is looking to find someone that would be interested in hosting some bee hives. John currently has 10 hives across 3 apiaries located around Perth, but is quickly running out of room. 

What’s required?

  • Someone that has a bit of land (preferably 5 acres or more in the North or East of Perth) who would be interested in hosting some bee hives.
  • John would require a small area of 10m2 in an unused corner where there is some bush-land / scrub
  • A way to access the hive every 2 weeks or so for maintenance (without disturbing you). Please note sometimes this will be after dark if a hive needs to be moved.

What's in it for you?

  • You would benefit from this with enhanced pollination of veggies, fruit trees etc ​​​​​​
  • The opportunity to learn about honey bees (if you want) 
  • And obviously some FREE raw honey at harvest time

If you are interested and would like to find out more, please fill out the contact form below! 

Oh Beehave (002).jpg

Request a call back or identify your pest.



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