Mosquito Control Perth

Are you in need of professional pest control services to help you get rid of mosquitoes around your home?

Well you've come to the right place - all our pest control technicians are trained and expereinced in the safe applicaton of mosquito pesticide.

To book a mosquito treatment contact our dedicated Customer Service team.

“We’ll take your call, book you in and turn up on time.” 9443 9451

Mosquito Pest Control

Mosquitoes have been and continue to be very efficient vectors of many devastating diseases worldwide. Fortunately the malaria carrying anopheline mosquitoes are only occasionally found in Australia and are generally restricted to the far north. However there are several very serious diseases known to be transmitted by mosquitoes in Australia, including Ross river virus, Dengue virus, Barmah Forest virus, Murray Valley encephalitis and dog heart worm.

People, pets and livestock can also suffer irritating reactions from the injection of saliva from the mosquitoes bite.  

Mosquito Control Perth

Prevention of breeding sites around the home is the best way for home owners to reduce mosquito numbers.

  • Ensure that gutters are not blocked and drain water from pot saucers etc. or anywhere else it has accumulated.
  • Wear loose fitting clothing; long sleeves and long pants if you are outside around dawn or dusk
  • Personal insect repellents may also be useful 
  • Avoid lingering around areas where mosquitoes are present

Mosquito Treatments

Termico offer a complete service in the eradication of mosquitoes from your home, these include:

  • Inspection – Fully inspect your home to find all mosquito harbourages and report findings to you
  • Wet Surface Spray – A wet spray is applied to exterior walls and areas of pest harbourage
  • Pest-free Advice – Once the eradication treatment is complete we will advise you on how to help reduce future problems.

Mosquito Identification

There are several significant pest species. They have the same biology and are all similar in appearance.

  • Adults range from about 3 mm – 6 mm in length,
  • They have long slender bodies and legs and one pair of narrow wings. (The hind wings are reduced)
  • Their larvae are aquatic, living in natural or artificial sources of stagnant water, feeding on various types of organic matter.

Mosquito Facts

Mosquitoes are insects belonging to the order Dipteral (two wing). There are about 270 species in Australia and the characteristic blood sucking bite of adult females gives them significant pest status.

Adults are often in fairly close proximity to their breeding sites but winds can disperse them over several kilometres.

They are very adept at exploiting permanent or temporary pools of water around our homes, laying their eggs in rainwater tanks, roof guttering, plant pot saucers and old tyres etc.   

Request a call back or identify your pest.
